Yaxuna Quicktime Movies
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Donovan Rittenbach's 3D Yaxuna Movies
A series of 3D movies showing Termination Ritual aspects and Burial 23.
Poco Xna 3D
A 3D computer orbit of Poco Xna - the North Acropolis: created by Sam Lazkowski
Cha-chak rain god ceremony
The culmination of a 3 day rain god ritual to request the constancy of grace from heaven.
Burial 19
Sacrifice victim buried in the stair labyrinth of pyramid Structure 6F-3, North Acropolis
Burial 23
A king of the Early Classic: the first sealed tomb discovered in the State of Yucatan.
Rare cache of royal jewelry from the summit of pyramid Structure 6F-4, North Acropolis
Termination of the War Council House
"One of our most important discoveries here"